Informasi untuk Media

Delegasi Republik Indonesia

United Nations Climate Change Conference

Durban, Afrika Selatan, 28 November – 9 Desember  2011



Pertemuan Durban: Harapan Green Climate Fund dan REDD+


Durban, 8 Desember 2011

Pertemuan PBB Perubahan Iklim (UNFCCC COP 17) di Durban telah memasuk minggu ke-2, minggu high level segment/Ministerial level.  Pada pembuka high level segmen  ini, Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki-Moon menyerukan kepada seluruh delegasi dan masyarakat internasional untuk menjaga momentum dalam menanggulangi  perubahan iklim.


“Waktu tidak berpihak kepada kita dan dunia harus mengambil tindakan kolektif untuk memenuhi tantangan perubahan iklim” kata Ban Ki-Moon. Minggu ini para Menteri sudah bersiap melakukan intervensi untuk menjembatani kemacetan antar pihak, agar dapat menghasilkan Keputusan COP di Durban.


Salah satu isu hangat yang dibahas di Durban adalah untuk memastikan kemajuan yang nyata dalam pendanaan jangka pendek dan panjang bagi Green Climate Fund (GCF), dengan total 30 miliar dolar (2010-2012) sebagai pendanaan “jalur cepat” (fast start track)  hingga 100 miliar dolar Amerika setiap tahun mulai dari tahun 2013-2020 (pendanaan jangka panjang).  Ban Ki-Moon mengimbau kepada semua negara-negara industri agar dana ini segera tersedia.


Ditengah ketidak pastian masa depan kelanjutan Protokol Kyoto, Durban memberikan harapan bagi terbentuknya GCF.  “GCF dapat dimaknai sebagai pewujudan polluters pay principle, yang berarti negara maju harus membayar biaya beradaptasi negara berkembang akibat emisi karbon yang dihasilkan oleh negara maju sejak satu abad yang lalu” jelas Agus Purnomo, Kepala Sekretariat DNPI/Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Perubahan Iklim.   Prinsipnya pencemar harus melakukan pembayaran tambahnya.


Di Durban, GCF  tengah memasuki tahap nominasi anggota dewan.  “Sudah disepakati akan ada 12 anggota, yaitu perwakilan dari negara AOSIS (Alliance of Small Island States), LDC (Least Developed Country), anggota dari region-region, diantara negara maju, negara berkembang dan Asia”, jelas Laksmi Dhewanti wakil ketua Pokja Pendanaan DNPI/Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup.


Bentuk Badan Hukum (Legal body/institution) masih dalam pembahasan, termasuk keberadaan dari lembaga ini. Sistem  hukum negara dimana lembaga ini akan berkedudukan akan sangat mempengaruhi penempatan lembaga ini. Diperlukan UU yang kuat dari Negara penempatan agar dapat melindungi dana yang akan ditaruh disana tambahnya.


“Harus dipastikan sumber ketersediaan dana, apakah berasal dari dana pemerintah/donor atau dana alternatif dari dunia usaha, atau melalui perdagangan karbon” ujar Direktur Pelaksana Bank Dunia Sri Mulyani Indarwati saat mengunjungi Pavilion Indonesia di ICC Durban.


Salah satu keunggulan Indonesia adalah REDD+.  Apabila Indonesia dapat menghasilkan komitmen yang dapat diimplementasikan serta diverifikasi oleh lembaga nasional dan internasional secara obyektif, ini akan menjadi kredibilitas yang sangat baik bagi Indonesia untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi pendanaan, tidak hanya dari sektor Kehutanan/REDD, tapi dari sektor lainnya juga seperti energi, transportasi dan sebagainya. Ini merupakan tantangan bagi Indonesia tambah Sri Mulyani.


Pada perundingan Durban, REDD+ telah melangkah maju dengan dihasilkannya draft keputusan yang akan diadopsi menjadi Keputusan COP.  Kemajuan ini merupakan modal awal dari penetapan Forest Reference Emission dan Forest Reference level  dan petunjuk pembangunan sistem informasi tentang pelaksanaan safeguards sudah di setujui.


“Kemajuan ini merupakan modal awal  dari metodologi yang sangat membantu Indonesia karena sudah banyak inisiatif yang berjalan dan beberapa kegiatan telah terformalisir dalam pelaksanaan  Keppres No. 61 (Rencana Aksi Nasional penurunan emisi Gas Rumah Kaca/GRK dan Keppres No. 71 (Inventarisasi GRK)” ujar Nur Masripatin selaku fokal point dari negosiasi REDD+ dari Delri.


Informasi selanjutnya, silahkan menghubungi:
Tazwin Hanif (Koordinator Tim Negosiasi RI): atau



Catatan Redaktur:

1.      Dalam pembahasan REDD+ di Durban,  ada 3 elemen yang didiskusikan berdasarkan Kesepakatan Cancun, yaitu: 1) petunjuk untuk membangun sistem informasi tentang pelaksanaan safeguards, 2) modality untuk REL/RL dan 3) modality untuk Measurable,  Reportable Verifiable (MRV). Dua elemen telah disetujui, yaitu: 1) Modality penetapan REL/RL dan 2) Guidance terkait safeguards. Di Durban pembahasan MRV akan ditundanya penyelesaian karena harus konsisten dengan MRV NAMAs. Pembahasan MRV NAMAs belum sepenuhnya dibahas tuntas di Durban.

2.     Guidelines for REDD+ Reference Levels for modalities for REDD+ Reference Levels (REDD+-RLs)

3.     MRV adalah bentuk tata kelola yang transparan, yang dapat diukur, dilaporkan secara teratur dan diverifikasi sesuai dengan standar IPCC.

National group approved to set FSC standard for Malaysia 29 June 2011 FSC is pleased to announce the approval of the Standards Development Group of Forest Sustainability Malaysia to develop the FSC National Forest Management Standards for Malaysia. The Standards Development Group consists of representatives from the major indigenous communities in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia along with representatives from important industry and environmental groups.

‘This is a vital and exciting step in the development of Forest Certification in Malaysia’ said FSC Director General Andre de Freitas. ‘It will provide an internationally recognized and locally driven process that will bring together a unique group of diverse stakeholders to reach consensus on the key issues facing the forests, wildlife and people living and working in the forests in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia.’ Mr. de Freitas announced the approval of the Standards Development Group on 28 June 2011 in his welcome speech at the FSC General Assembly Gala Dinner.

*Jakarta, Kompas 30 Juni 2011*


– Satuan Tugas REDD+ dinilai gagal karena hampir semua keluaran dalam dokumen proyek belum tercapai sepenuhnya. Atas alasan itu, masa kerja satuan tugas tersebut dinilai perlu diperpanjang untuk mengisi masa transisi. Sesuai dengan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 19 Tahun 2010 tentang Satuan Tugas Persiapan Pembentukan Kelembagaan REDD+ (Pengurangan Emisi dari Deforestasi dan Degradasi Hutan), satgas harus menyelesaikan tugasnya paling lambat 31 Desember 2010 atau dapat diperpanjang hingga 30 Juni 2011. Di samping membentuk lembaga khusus REDD+, yang mendesak adalah penyelesaian berbagai soal kehutanan. ”Bila belum bisa membentuk lembaga baru, sebaiknya tugas satgas diperpanjang. Itu satu-satunya opsi meneruskan persiapan REDD+. Bila ditarik ke sektoral, akan repot lagi,” kata Koordinator Perubahan Iklim dari HuMa, Bernardus Steni, Senin lalu. Ketua Departemen Internasional dan Keadilan Iklim Walhi, Teguh Surya, menegaskan, perlunya audit terbuka dan pertanggungjawaban transparan kepada publik tentang kinerja Satgas REDD+. ”Sebelum dibentuk lembaga khusus untuk REDD+, harus ada evaluasi,” ujarnya. Sembilan bulan Satgas REDD+ bertugas, kata Steni, ada delapan keluaran yang harus dihasilkan lembaga persiapan REDD+. Namun, belum ada dokumen final yang mestinya keluar sesuai dengan dokumen proyek terkait REDD+. ”Banyak yang masih rancangan,” kata Steni. Di antaranya dokumen strategi implementasi dan kerangka kerja monitoring dan evaluasi REDD+. Yang telah ditetapkan, misalnya, penunjukan lokasi percontohan program REDD+ di Kalimantan Tengah. Steni juga melihat indikasi tidak fokus dalam bekerja. ”Idealnya lembaga itu anggotanya hanya bekerja di situ. Sekarang anggota-anggota satgas adalah birokrat kementerian sektoral sehingga masih terikat kepentingan sektor masing-masing,” ujarnya.

Anggota satgas antara lain Kementerian Kehutanan dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup. Hanya ketua satgas dan sekretaris yang bukan birokrat dari kementerian, yaitu Kuntoro Mangkusubroto dan Heru Prasetyo.

*Selesaikan masalah* Steni dan Teguh menegaskan, sebelum lembaga khusus REDD+ terbentuk, semua tunggakan masalah kehutanan harus segera diselesaikan. ”Banyak data lahan tumpang tindih karena baseline data tak jelas,” ujar Teguh. Selain itu, konflik lahan berjumlah ribuan. ”Banyak yang tewas,” ujar Steni. Tata kelola juga masih parah. ”Status areal penggunaan lain juga banyak bermasalah karena status hukum kawasan tidak jelas sehingga banyak industri yang beroperasi di kawasan abu-abu ini. Ini ibarat cek kosong,” kata Steni. (ISW)


Baca juga di;

*Palm oil giants target Africa in ‘land grab’ following Indonesia
deforestation ban*

Tom Levitt

25th March, 2011

*Indonesia’s move to bring in a two-year moratorium on new palm oil
plantations to protect its remaining rainforests has seen
agribusiness giants like Sime Darby switch expansion plans to
Cameroon, Ghana and Liberia*

The sudden upsurge in land deals by palm oil companies in Africa could
lead to large-scale deforestation and loss of farmland by local
communities, NGOs and environmental groups in Africa have told the

The world’s largest palm oil producer Indonesia is due to implement a
two-year ban on granting new concessions of land to plantation companies
in forest areas. There are also restrictions on the availability of land
in Malaysia. This has led companies like Sime Darby, which has more than
half a million hectares of palm oil in Indonesia and Malaysia, to look

Sime Darby – reported to be the largest palm oil producer in the world –
has leased 220,000 hectares of land in Liberia and is considering buying
a further 300,000 hectares for palm oil plantations in Cameroon. Despite
the Indonesian ban, it still wants to acquire 1 million hectares of
plantation land worldwide by 2015. Other rival palm oil giants like
Sinar Mar, Olam International and Wilmar International are also tying up
land deals in Liberia, Gabon and Ghana.

For Sime Darby at least, the ambition is to target the lucrative
European markets, particularly for biofuels. It recently announced plans
to build a processing plant in the South of France
bringing palm oil from its new plantations in Liberia.

However, Friends of the Earth say at least two of the areas in Liberia –
Gbarpolu and Bong – where the company has leased land are currently
heavily forested and include virgin rainforest.

*Cameroon problems

*In Cameroon, campaigners have admitted to having strong reservations
about Sime Darby’s plans to lease land for palm oil plantations. Samuel
Nguiffo, from the Centre for Environment and Development (CED), says
even if they only develop on degraded forest, the deal is likely to
involve farmland being taken away from local communities.

‘Degraded natural forests are located next to villages, and are
considered as traditional land and “reserve” for the future expansion of
communities’ farmland. But according to the State law (which prevails),
the State owns part of the land, and is cutodian of the rest of the
land. The malaysian company [Sime Darby] will therefore enter a deal
with the State, and not with the communities, but will be taking what is
still considered by the communities as their traditional land, according
to their customs,’ he says.

Nguiffo believes the land has more value in terms of sustaining local
livelihood but says the government will push hard for a deal, regardless
of the long-term consequences for the country’s food security. ‘The
purpose of this company will be to use the land in Cameroon to produce
crops for exports, while Cameroon has still not conquered its food

‘If the policies are established to promote the development of food
crops in Cameroon, land scarcity will quickly exacerbate. The hunger
crisis in 2008 in Cameroon showed what the future could look like if we
don’t collectively consider as an urgent matter the need to give the
priority to regaining our food sovereignety over promoting land
concessions to foreign companies,’ he says.

The UN’s special rapporteur for right to food Oliver De Schutter says
companies were ‘filling the void’ from a lack of government investment
in agriculture in Africa. He also expressed concerns that the continent
was being seen as a ‘easy target’ for cheap land deals. ‘At the moment
they [Cameroon and others] are competing to attract investments and so
give as good a deal as possible and have a poor bargaining positions
that don’t bring rural investments.’

This was backed up by a report into land grabbing in Africa from the
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
<> in February 2011. It found
agribusinesses as well as government agencies and investment funds were
acquiring long-term rights to large areas of land and in some cases
priority rights over water in exchange for little public revenue and
vague promises of investment and jobs.

It said local people were also often excluded from any deals. ‘Land deal
negotiations are unfolding fast and behind closed doors’ the gap between
legality (whereby the government may formally own the land and freely
allocate it to investors) and legitimacy (whereby local people feel the
land they have used for generations is theirs) exposes local groups to
the risk of dispossession and investors to that of contestation.’

*Useful links
*IIED report: Land deals in Africa: What is in the contracts?

Dr Marcus Colchester
Forest Peoples Programme
1c Fosseway Business Park, Moreton-in-Marsh, GL56 9NQ, England
Tel: +44(0)1608 652893 Direct line: +44(0)1608 652 894 Fax: +44(0)1608
Web: <>

Forest Peoples Programme is a company limited by guarantee (England &
Wales) Reg. No. 3868836, registered
office as above. UK-registered Charity No. 1082158. It is also
registered as a non-profit Stichting in the Netherlands.
Forest Peoples Programme has NGO Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC.

The world of art has always played a critical role in provoking thought and generating dialogue. The UNEP Art for the Environment initiative aims to generate environmental awareness using the universal language of art as a catalyst for individuals, communities and leaders to focus on environmental values.

UNEP promotes the creation and installation of a growing number of exhibits around the world, in conjunction with major events such as World Environment Day (5 June) and the UNEP Champions of the Earth awards.

UNEP hopes that, by sharing artists’ sensitivity to the plight of the planet in works of art ranging from ancient and indigenous objects to contemporary forms and multimedia visions, we can promote a deeper understanding and connection to our natural world.

The Art of Environmentally Friendly Living

Dear Friends,

A&E has started as an idea whereby Art has become an amazingly subtle media to voice concerns, to present creativity and to contribute concretely to the betterment of the environment and human lives.

We have seen this as early as the 70s with Bo Derek’s animal lover movement, the 80s with Bob Gedolf’s 

The Art of Environmentally Friendly Living

Dear Friends,

A&E has started as an idea whereby Art has become an amazingly subtle media to voice concerns, to present creativity and to contribute concretely to the betterment of the environment and human lives.

We have seen this as early as the 70s with Bo Derek’s animal lover movement, the 80s with Bob Gedolf’s contribution inspiring the people about the Earth. A number of contributions were also demonstrated by Julia Robert of her passionate action in promoting Orang Utan conservation.

People that work in art are combination of passionate, attracting, appealing and personifying how important the environment in their life.





May 2024